Introduction to new Health and Wellbeing Cabinet Portfolio
- Councillor Wyatt, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, to present
Councillor Wyatt, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing outlined the remit of the new Cabinet Member portfolio created to link into the major structural changes within both the Health Service and Local Authority through the Health Reform Bill currently working its way through Parliament.
He referred to:-
- Shift in public resources into the private sector i.e. GPs
- Shift in involvement in local government with a number of functions returning from the Health Service
- Work with GP commissioning and Health Service providers under the umbrella of the Health and Wellbeing Board
- Social Care – a significant proportion of the Council’s resources were allocated to Adult Social Care
- Early intervention and prevention
- Resources would be transferred to the Local Authority who was taking responsibility for Public Health
- Health Indicators 1 of the biggest challenges facing the Authority
- Sport and sport development
- The Department of Health had made funds available to support the Health and Wellbeing Board
- Would welcome members of the Commission taking on specific pieces of work
- Use of Assistive Technology/Telehealth
Councillor Wyatt was thanked for his presentation.