18 CfPS Health Reform Project PDF 74 KB
- presentation by Linda Phipps, CfPS, and Kate Taylor
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Kate Taylor, Policy and Scrutiny Officer, and Linda Phipps, Centre for Public Scrutiny, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-
Centre for Public Scrutiny (CfPS) Programme
- Programme funded by the Healthy Communities Team at Local Government Improvement and Development
- To provide early insight into the development of accountability arrangements
- Consider ways of working between Scrutiny, Health and Wellbeing Boards and Clinical Commissioning Consortia
Project aims: Rotherham
- To understand new structures and accountabilities within the context of the new health reforms
- To examine ways in which the Health Select Commission, GPs, Clinical Commissioning Groups and Health and Wellbeing Boards can work together
- To understand how scrutiny can remain effective in a situation of reduced but more integrated resources
- To enable Rotherham to demonstrate its leadership in health scrutiny through participation in the next phase of Scrutiny Development Area (SDA) activity
- To participate in learning activities to capture and share project learning and insight
- To enhance Rotherham’s own process of scrutiny
Workshop 1: Health and Wellbeing Board Representatives
Stakeholder and Role Mapping
- Vast number of organisations identified – demonstrating the complexity of the Health and Wellbeing agenda
- There are a number of ‘layers’ in the structure from local organisations and agencies which Rotherham can control, to those which Rotherham has no control over
- There needs to be a relationship between other Boards which sat alongside the Health and Wellbeing Board locally
- Organisations are changing or being re-shaped and although the map may look the same, the roles and responsibilities may change
- Health Select Commission is “Cat with a Paw” – probing and asking questions about what difference X has made and what could be done differently
Questions raised
- Health and wellbeing is also about economic wellbeing, regeneration and education – where does this fit in and how does the Health and Wellbeing Board influence these aspects?
- How do we get private sector (providers) involved; how do we influence them including workplace health?
- What is the future of joint planning boards – will GP commissioning become the new partner when PCTs are abolished?
- How does the general public input into the Health and Wellbeing Board? Is this through GPs/Councillors etc. who already have a relationship with people in communities?
- How do Safeguarding Boards fit with the Health and Wellbeing Board?
- How does the Health and Wellbeing Board fit the Local Strategic Partnership, Safer Rotherham Partnership/Adults and Children’s Boards?
- How will public health be commissioned? Does there need to be a public health commissioning board?
- Are we doing enough for young people?
Worksop 2: Members of the Health Select Commission
Structure Processes and Protocols
- Paul Plsek on good governance – 3 dimensions: structures, processes, patterns
- Produced table of ‘What is needed’ and diagram to show processes:-
Terms of Reference
§ Is the membership right?
§ Do we have people common to both the Health and Wellbeing Board and ... view the full minutes text for item 18