Rotherham Health Summit: Tackling Health Inequalities
- verbal report by Carol Weir and Rebecca Atchinson, NHS Rotherham
Rebecca Atchison, NHS Rotherham, reported that a Health Inequalities Summit was to be held in response to a Cabinet recommendation when considering the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2010. The Index had identified that the health of Rotherham communities appeared to have worsened and showed a high percentage of people were within the highest 10% in the country for health issues. It was felt that a Summit should be held to explore those issues.
In preparation for the Summit, there was a 2 month consultation exercise underway as well as a partnership engagement exercise, of which this Commission was part, to explore some of the reasons for the deterioration.
The consultation exercise had commenced at the recent Rotherham Show using a hand held survey where 426 members of the public had been asked for their perception of health, their views on health and whether they felt members of the community’s health had improved or worsened. Approximately 40% felt that the health of the community was getting worse. When asked what they thought were the main causes they cited lack of money, changes in employment/unemployment and rising food costs followed by stress. They knew there were health services out there but were not accessing them.
The initial scoping allowed the officers to use the information within the next stage of consultation with Area Assemblies and communities of interest within the next month.
Discussion ensued with the following issues raised:-
- Importance of looking at the issues for Rotherham
- Usefulness of Ward-by-Ward data
- The Mormot report was important as it also included how communities felt and operated in terms of solution. There were things that would help at a local level to inform how health inequalities were tackled as 1 of the key issues Marmort highlighted was that communities that operated as communities well were the one that addressed health inequalities
- Members were more than welcome to attend any focus group/community of interest
- Parish Councils and Voluntary Action Rotherham were also suggested as points of contact
- It was recognised that health inequalities was very complex and 1 answer would not fit all. A holistic approach was being taken to identify a whole range of things that may possibly influence and those that could not influence at the current point in time
- Following the Health Summit, an action plan for the whole Council, PCT and wider partners would be drawn up
The Summit was to be held on 30th November, 2011.
Resolved:- (1) That the report be noted.
(2) That a further report be submitted as to Rotherham’s position.