Issue - meetings

Medium Term Financial Strategy and Budget Timetable August 2011- March 2012 (report herewith)

Meeting: 27/10/2011 - The Former Self Regulation Select Commission (Item 26)

26 Medium Term Financial Strategy and Budget Timetable August 2011- March 2012 pdf icon PDF 39 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report presented by Stuart Booth, Director of Central Finance, which provided detail of the proposed timetable for the revision of the 2011-2016 Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) and for determining the 2012/13 Revenue Budget and the Capital Programme for the period 2012/13 to 2014/15.


Resolved:-  That the MTFS and Budget Timetable be noted.

Meeting: 19/10/2011 - Cabinet (Pre-Intervention - 2nd June 2004 to 4th February 2015) (Item 80)

80 Medium Term Financial Strategy and Budget Timetable August 2011- March 2012 pdf icon PDF 38 KB

-        Strategic Director of Finance to report.

Additional documents:


Councillor Akhtar, Deputy Leader, introduced a report by the Strategic Director of Finance, which provided detail of the proposed timetable for the revision of the 2011-2016 Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) and for determining the 2012/13 Revenue Budget and the Capital Programme for the period 2012/13 to 2014/15.


The timetable for this process over the coming months would end with the full Council meeting on 7th March, 2012, which would set the Revenue Budget and Council Tax level for 2012/13 and the Capital Programme for the period 2012/13 to 2014/15. The proposed timetable related only to Member involvement in the budget process.


The proposed timetable had been considered jointly with Corporate Policy and Performance and reflected the work using Budget Matrices that had been undertaken over the summer.  The timetable also included the consultation process that was now underway


There were no direct financial implications arising from this report.


The Council was required by law to have determined its Budget and Council Tax level by 10th March, 2012 and this timetable was intended to allow Members the opportunity to have considered in detail the issues, pressures and savings surrounding the Council’s Revenue Budget for 2012/13 and to integrate this with the review of the MTFS – the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy.   Given the statutory deadline in early March, 2012 there was limited scope to accommodate slippage in other aspects of the Budget process. 


Delivery of the annual Revenue Budget and Capital Programme and the MTFS was essential to the achievement of the Council’s key priorities.


Resolved:-  That the proposed MTFS and Budget Timetable be approved.