Issue - meetings

Performance Report (Matt Gladstone)

Meeting: 08/12/2011 - The Former Self Regulation Select Commission (Item 36)

36 Corporate Performance Report pdf icon PDF 227 KB

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Consideration was given to the report presented by Richard Garrad, Performance and Quality Manager, which provided an analysis of the Council’s current performance against the twenty-nine key delivery outcomes within the Corporate Plan. 


A presentation on the current position was also made, which drew particular attention to:-


·              Quarter 2 Scorecard.

·              Changes in the Scorecard.

·              National Context.

·              Making sure no community was left behind.

·              Areas of Good Performance.

·              Areas for Improvement.

·              Recovery Actions.

·              Ensuring quality education for all.

·              Ensuring care and protection to those who needed it most.

·              Help to create safe and health communities.

·              Improving the environment.

·              Next Steps.


A discussion and a question and answer session ensued and the following issues were raised and subsequently clarified:-


-                 Categorisation of the super output areas.

-                 Target setting, direction of travel and information sharing.

-                 Comparison with national averages.

-                 Green rating for heating costs (No. 4) and whether this could change in the next quarter.

-                 Failing school classifications due to one cohort and assurances of support.

-                 Void turnaround times.

-                 Responsive repairs and the risk analysis undertaken.

-                 Performance clinics and reviews and co-option.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the current  position against each of the Corporate Plan outcomes, ensuring implementation of the proposed interventions, corrective actions and proposed performance clinics be noted.


(2)  That the absence of targets allocated to some of the high level measures and prioritisation of the work across Directorates to fill these gaps be noted.


(3)  That the need to ensure high level monitoring of “the way we do business” principles into future reports be noted.


(4)  That issues relating to turnarounds and responsive repairs be investigated by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board.


(5)  That expressions of interest be sought from Members of this Select Commission’s for future Performance Clinics.

Meeting: 23/11/2011 - Cabinet (Pre-Intervention - 2nd June 2004 to 4th February 2015) (Item 103)

103 Corporate Performance Report pdf icon PDF 229 KB

-        Chief Executive to report.


Councillor Akhtar, Deputy Leader, introduced a report by the Chief Executive, which provided an analysis of the Council’s current performance against the 29 key delivery outcomes contained within the Corporate Plan. It was a position statement based on available performance measures, together with an analysis of progress on key projects and activities which contributed to delivery of the plan.


The current position was six of the delivery outcomes required major intervention at Strategic Leadership Team level (red), thirteen delivery outcomes required intervention at Directorate level (amber) and ten delivery outcomes required no intervention at this time (green).


However, there were a number of changes in national policy and funding which were currently impacting locally and could affect achievement of the corporate plan outcomes.


A summary of “performance highlights and achievements” was referred to in detail as set out in the report and reasons provided for all the outcomes rated red, amber and green.


The current round of service reductions may impact on the Council’s ability to deliver all the key objectives set out in the Corporate Plan. An ongoing review of key tasks and targets would be required in the light of the changed financial and staffing resources.  The potential for under performance as a result of budget reductions highlighted the importance of integrating performance, risk and financial reporting.  This emphasised the need for regular monitoring of team plans within Directorates.


The rationalisation of the Government’s performance regime had taken the focus away from the previously strong performance management culture within the organisation. Implementation of the revised performance outcomes framework was required to restate and embed performance management within the organisation.  Targets for all corporate plan measures need to be firmly embedded to enable meaningful performance reporting.  Additionally, as highlighted earlier, there were a number of risks associated to changes to national policy and funding currently impacting and could further deteriorate performance.


Cabinet Members expressed particular concerns on key delivery outcomes, particularly No. 1 (child poverty), as the results suggested that there was almost no possibility of eradicating child poverty under current Government policy.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the current position against each of the Corporate Plan outcomes be approved, ensuring implementation of the proposed interventions, corrective actions and proposed performance clinics.


(2)  That the absence of targets allocated to some of the high level measures and prioritise work across directorates to fill these gaps be noted.


(3)  That the need to ensure high level monitoring of “the way we do business” principles into future reports be noted.


(4)  That this report be forwarded to the Self Regulation Select Committee on 8th December, 2011.