Issue - meetings

Breastfeeding Review - Update and Action Plan

Meeting: 08/12/2011 - Health Select Commission (Item 37)

37 Breastfeeding Review - Update and Action Plan pdf icon PDF 41 KB

- report by Rebecca Atchinson and Kate Green


Rebecca Atchinson, Public Health Specialist, NHS Rotherham, reported on the progress of the breastfeeding agenda and gave a presentation which focused on:-


·              Background.

·              Breastfeeding Performance.

·              Infant Feeding Support.

·              UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative.

·              Peer Support.

·              Increase Mother-to-Mother Support in Community.

·              Promotional Events and Resources.

·              Promoting Breastfeeding.

·              Breastfeeding Friendly Public Places.

·              Negative Press.

·              Breastfeeding Friendly Rotherham.

·              Next Steps.


Kate Green, Scrutiny Adviser, reported on the work that had taken place since the Scrutiny Review of Breastfeeding was completed in March, 2010.


The Select Commission were asked if they wanted to add two/three key recommendations to build on the previous work that could be taken forward.


A discussion and a question and answer session ensued and the following issues were raised and subsequently clarified:-


-                 Lack of publicity and awareness raising about locations for breastfeeding and accredited facilities.

-                 Barriers to breastfeeding and the need to arrange a press release to publicise this widely.

-                 Inclusion of Riverside House in the list of Breastfeeding Friendly Rotherham premises.

-                 Support to mothers who experience difficulties with breastfeeding.

-                 Breastfeeding Friendly public places awards.


Resolved:-  (1)  That breastfeeding be recognised as a continued priority area for action.


(2)  That consideration be given to where support could be made available to aid continued progress and the achievement of UNICEF Stage 2 in the Spring 2012.


(3)  That an annual update be submitted from Health leads.


(4)  That discussion take place with Barnsley and Rotherham Chamber of Commerce to encourage Rotherham businesses to become Breastfeeding Friendly.


(5)  That all Local Authority premises and those that had been identified as Breastfeeding Friendly accredited facilities should have notices clearly on display.