Issue - meetings

Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group Update

Meeting: 19/04/2012 - Health Select Commission (Item 64)

64 Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group Update pdf icon PDF 817 KB

- presentation by Sarah Whittle, NHSR


Sarah Whittle, NHS, gave the following powerpoint presentation on the Clinical Commissioning Group:-


The Health Bill/Act

-        Abolished Primary Care Trusts by April, 2013

-        Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) formed in shadow form from 1st October, 2011

-        Fully authorised by April, 2013

-        Public Health responsibilities to transfer from NHS to RMBC (April, 2013)

-        GP/Dentist/Pharmacists’ contracts and special commissioning to be managed by National Commissioning Board (currently Cluster)

-        HealthWatch to be formed to promote the views of patients and service users

-        NHS Commissioning staff in Rotherham reduced by 48%



-        NHS Rotherham £460M

-        RMB Public Health £20M

-        Rotherham CCG £330M

-        NHS Commissioning Board – GP/Dentists/Pharmacists £120M


CCG Structure

-        CCG Committee/Board

-        GP Reference Group

-        Strategic Clinical Executive

-        Operational Executive

-        Strong clinical focus


CCG Authorisation – 6 domains

-        Clinical focus and added value

-        Engagement with patients and communities

-        Clear and credible plans

-        Capacity and capability

-        Collaborative arrangements

-        Great leaders



-        Need to generate £75M of efficiencies over the next 4 years

-        Expected to make the efficiencies by:-

Managing long term conditions patients more efficiently and cost effectively

Making sure only appropriate patients were referred to hospital

Making GP prescribing more efficient and cost effective

Reducing commissioning staff by the Government target of 48%


Partnerships with RMBC

-        Local Strategic Partnership

-        Health and Wellbeing Board

-        Adults Board

-        Long Term Conditions/Unscheduled Care

-        Children and Families Partnership

-        Think Family

-        Safeguarding

-        Public Health