Issue - meetings

Inspire Rotherham

Meeting: 16/04/2012 - The Former Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing (Item 60)

Inspire Rotherham


At the invitation of the Chairman, Deborah Bullivant attended the meeting to inform Members of Inspire Rotherham.


Originally called Get Rotherham Reading, it was a Regional Development Agency funded project which, managed by the local authority with partnerships, attempted to address the literacy problems that Rotherham had. 


The 3 year funding of £3M had been spent in Rotherham schools, schooling communities and community organisations aiming to make the greatest difference in the 10% most deprived communities of Rotherham in partnership with the University of Sheffield.  9 reports had been produced in total at the end of the 3 years.


It had been felt that the most important issue was to evaluate the results of the initiative and ascertain where the greatest differences had happened.  There had been some startling improvements which the Department of Education had been very interested in. Discussions were taking place with Leicester Council about the work that had taken place and Barnsley had adopted the Refresh Strategy. 


Inspire Rotherham had been established as a social enterprise to take forward some of the initiatives and attempt to bring funding in with partner organisations.  Rotherham had the largest Children’s Shakespeare Festival in the country; funding had been secured via the Arts Council to run it for another year.


There was to be a Literacy Workshop held on 21st May, 2012 with the Cabinet Members and wider strategic stakeholders.


Discussion ensued.  It was agreed that consideration was required as to where this should sit strategically within the Council and take the strategy forward.


Resolved:-  That a further report be submitted to the Cabinet Member.