Issue - meetings

Extra Care Housing and Grafton House Merger

Meeting: 16/04/2012 - The Former Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care (Item 64)

64 Extra Care Housing and Grafton House Merger pdf icon PDF 17 KB


Further to Minute No. 24 of 26th September, 2011, the Director of Health and Wellbeing reported on the current position with the above merger.


Further analysis had been undertaken of the Services to identify the most effective way of delivering the joint service to the customer.  The results would provide a consistent approach across all schemes whilst offering services to the customer that demonstrated value for money.


The next phase of the review would look at the different levels of support currently in place at Grafton House and Extra Care with a view to streamlining the teams and providing an holistic Housing Support Service delivering more flexibly across the whole Service.


An overarching consultation plan and Equality Impact Assessment would be devised to ensure that the new merged Service met the needs of the customer and considered any areas of risk.


Resolved:-  That the Cabinet Member be kept updated.