Issue - meetings

Care for Our Future White Paper and Draft Care and Support Bill

Meeting: 19/09/2012 - Improving Lives Select Commission (Item 23)

23 Care for Our Future: White Paper and draft Care and Support Bill pdf icon PDF 55 KB


  • Report and appendices considered by the Health Select Commission at their meeting on 13th September, 2012, are attached for the consideration/information of the Improving Lives Select Commission members. 

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report presented by the Scrutiny and Policy Manager concerning the Government’s publication of its vision for a reformed Care and Support System in a White Paper and draft Bill. Consultation was currently taking place on the draft Bill and the White Paper for Adult Social Care in England, entitled “Caring for Our Future: Reforming Care and Support”. Responses to the consultation had to be submitted by Friday, 19th October, 2012. The report summarised the key headlines from both documents and outlined the themes and questions in relation to the Bill, upon which the Government was seeking views.


The consultation is in an online format, therefore it is being proposed that a separate group of Scrutiny Members, from both the Health Select Commission and the Improving Lives Commission, be established to scrutinise the documents in detail and respond accordingly.


It was noted that this matter had been considered by the Health Select Commission at its meeting held on 13th September, 2012.


Resolved:- (1) That the report be received and its contents noted.


(2) That Councillors Ahmed, Astbury and Lelliott be nominated as the representatives of the Improving Lives Select Commission to the sub-group, established by the Health Select Commission, to consider the consultation documents and prepare a response.

Meeting: 13/09/2012 - Health Select Commission (Item 24)

24 Care for Our Future White Paper and Draft Care and Support Bill pdf icon PDF 55 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report presented by Shona McFarlane, Director of Health and Wellbeing, stating that the Government had published its vision for a reformed care and support system in a White Paper and a draft Bill.  An online consultation process was now taking place, with the deadline for responses being Friday, 19th October, 2012.


The report summarised the key features of both the White Paper and the draft Bill and outlined the themes and questions in relation to the Bill, on which the Government was seeking responses. It was suggested that a sub-group of Members, chosen jointly from the Health and the Improving Lives Select Commissions, be established to prepare a detailed response to the Government’s consultation.


Resolved: - (1) That the report be received and its contents noted.


(2) That a sub-group of Members, chosen jointly from the Health Select Commission and the Improving Lives Select Commission, be established to consider the Government’s consultation documents and submit a formal response by 19th October 2012.


(3)  That the Health Select Commission representatives on the sub-group be Councillors Steele and Hoddinott and co-opted member Mr. Robert Parkin. 


(4) That the Improving Lives Select Commission be asked to nominate Members to join this sub-group.