Issue - meetings

Continuing Healthcare Review

Meeting: 13/09/2012 - Health Select Commission (Item 28)

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Further to Minute No. 28 of the meeting of the Health Select Commission held on 27th October, 2011, consideration was given to a report presented by Deborah Fellowes, Scrutiny Manager, containing the findings and recommendations of the Scrutiny Review of Continuing Healthcare in Rotherham. The draft Review report was submitted as an appendix to the main report.


Members had learned that expenditure on Continuing Healthcare in Rotherham was lower than that of surrounding and statistical neighbours and there were anecdotal concerns in relation to the customer experience of the CHC process and time taken to receive decisions.  Scrutiny Members were concerned about this level of spending locally and the impact this was likely to have on customers as well as Local Authority budgets. The key findings of the review were:-


(i) There had been some positive engagement between the two organisations (local authority and NHS) to address some of the strategic issues faced locally in relation to budgets and procedures;


(ii) In Rotherham, the lower spend on Continuing Healthcare meant that Adult Social Care spending was higher than it would be if the Continuing Healthcare spending was either at average levels, or in line with the levels of health inequalities in the Borough;


(iii) Interviews with professionals raised a number of issues and concerns around the process of assessments and decision making, including the Continuing Healthcare panel;


(iv) It was clear that although the processes were being adhered to, there were huge inconsistencies in the way they were implemented;


(v) Information gathered from customers reflected the concerns raised in relation to the lack of clarity and inconsistencies in the process and delays being experience.


The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care thanked the Review group for the work that had taken place as part of the Review, and the recommendations that had been made.  He was confident that the recommendations addressed issues of concern reported by the Service users.  As such, this was a positive development. 


The Scrutiny Manager reported that, as the Review recommendations contained implications for Health Services, constitutionally the report was required to be submitted to the Health and Wellbeing Board for their consideration.


Resolved: - (1) That the report be received and its contents noted.


(2) That the findings and recommendations of the report of the scrutiny review of Continuing Healthcare in Rotherham be endorsed.


(3) That the be submitted to both the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board, the Health and Wellbeing Board and to the Cabinet for further consideration.


(4) That the response of the Cabinet to this Scrutiny Review’s recommendations be reported to a future meeting of the Health Select Commission.