36 Work Programme Update PDF 34 KB
Deborah Fellowes, Scrutiny Manager, submitted an update on the 2012-13 Work Programme.
Work was underway on the draft Care and Support Bill, Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Residential Homes reviews. There were only 2 areas of work outstanding – Discharge Arrangements and Access to Healthcare Services.
It was suggested, given the limited staffing resources, that the Access to Healthcare Services should be the next piece of work in the form of a spotlight review and fed into the consultation currently being undertaken by the Clinical Commissioning Group.
Dr. John Radford, Director of Public Health, reported that the NHS was to make significant changes in the next few months in the way the out of hours services was accessed and, to some extent in-house care, with the launch of NHS 111. If you had an emergency out of hours that you did not feel required a 999 call, you would ring 111 and be triaged into 1 of the services i.e. either self-care, 1 of the emergency services, out of hours practice or given an appointment for your GP within 1/2 days.
Resolved:- (1) That the Select Commission undertake a spotlight review into Access to Healthcare Services.
(2) That the review into Discharge Arrangements take place early in 2013.