Issue - meetings

Performance - Outcome Measures

Meeting: 16/01/2013 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 57)

Performance Management Framework


Further to Minute No. 48 of the previous meeting, John Radford, Director of Public Health, reported that it had been hoped to submit a suite of Indicators for consideration to the meeting, however, it had proved to be more difficult than envisaged.  He gave the following presentation:-


System Change

-        System accountability

-        Local delivery prevention interventions

-        NHS, RMBC, Commissioning Board and CCG

-        Engagement private and third sector

-        Public engagement

-        Resources

-        Service Activity

-        Behaviour Change

-        Mortality

-        Commissioning for outcomes

-        Profile \media\social media

-        Disease Information


Outcomes Framework Annual Reporting

-        Local Priorities agreed by Board.

-        Align with Outcome Frameworks

-        Need to agree specific outcomes for each priority

-        Identify specific outcome measures that will progress over time

-        Board to review its progress


Local Priorities

-        Need to identify local (outputs) measures that help monitor progress bi-monthly throughout 3 year period of the strategy

-        Report back next time with proposed outcome and output measures


The Board then received Anne Charlesworth’s presentation (see Minute No. 58 Priority Measure: Alcohol) and discussion on the possible Performance Indicators for that Priority.


Discussion ensued on the way forward for all 6 Priority Themes:-


o       The Board had agreed 6 Priorities that would make the biggest difference to the health and wellbeing of Rotherham citizens and reduce health inequalities

o       Definition of the desired outcomes for each Priority required

o       Need to decide where to focus activity and then outcome measures and outputs would follow

o       Better definition of what want to achieve

o       Engagement and commitment from all partners to drive the agenda within their Services


Resolved:-  That each of the 6 Priority Leads submit a suite of Indictors for their respective Priority Theme to the next Board meeting.