Issue - meetings

District Heating Scheme

Meeting: 10/01/2013 - The Former Self Regulation Select Commission (Item 51)

District Heating Scheme Charges 2013-14


Consideration was given to a joint report of the Finance Manager (Neighbourhoods and Adult Services) and Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services, setting out the proposed increases for District Heating for 2013/14.


In general, District Heating charges were made up of 2 components i.e. a weekly charge and a metered charge per kilowatt hour of heating used.  It was proposed that there be no increase in the weekly charges (with the exception of St. Ann’s) but an increase in kilowatt hour charges to more accurately reflect true costs.


Pooled metered schemes had a weekly pre-payment flat rate charge collected through the rent system applied to all properties dependant upon the size of the property.  The actual costs of each property’s heating was determined by meter readings of the amount of kilowatt hours of heating actually used.  St. Ann’s was added to the pooled scheme in 2011/12 and agreed to bring their charges into line with the other pooled metered schemes over a 3 year period, 2013-14 being the final year.


Resolved:-  That Cabinet be requested to recommend to Council:-


(1) That weekly district heating charges be not increased with the exception of St. Ann’s which will follow the formula agreed in 2010/11.


(2)  That the various proposed increases to the kilowatt hour charges, as outlined in the report submitted, be approved as a means of achieving full cost recovery.


(3)  That to assist tenants, increases in the kilowatt hour charge be phased over a period of up to 5 years.