Issue - meetings

Clinical Commissioning Group

Meeting: 07/03/2013 - Health Select Commission (Item 63)

Clinical Commissioning Group

-        Presentation by Chris Edwards, NHS Rotherham


Chris Edwards, Chief Officer, NHS Rotherham/Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-


What do the changes mean for Rotherham?

-          Rotherham Primary Care Trust/NHS Rotherham would be abolished in March, 2013

-          There would be (at least) 6 new bodies in its place:-

·           Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group – Expected to be authorised to formally start in April, 2013

·           RMBC – Public Health responsibilities transfer from NHS to RMBC in April, 2013

·           National Commissioning Board (NHSCB) – would cover all of South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw based at Oak House, Bramley.  Includes GPs/Dentists/Pharmacists/Opticians contracts and specialist commissioning

·           HeathWatch – would be formed to promote the views of patients and Service users

·           NHS Property Services – all estates owned by NHS Rotherham e.g. health centres

·           Public Health England – Health Protection Agency would also lead on commissioning support to the Commissioning Board – specialist commissioning covering vaccination and immunisation



-          NHS Rotherham £460M

·           RMBC Public Health = £14M

·           Rotherham Clinicial Commissioning Group - £330M

·           NHS Commissioning Board GPs/Dentists/Pharmacists = £116M


Who is CCG represented by?

-          David Tooth, Chair, Long Term Conditions/Urgent Care

-          Chris Edwards, Chief Officer

-          Richard Cullen, Vice-Chair, Finance

-          Ian Turner, Primary Care

-          Phil Birks, Rotherham Foundation Trust

-          Julie Kitlowski, Clinical Referrals and Pathways

-          David Pokinghorn, Children and Young People

-          Jason Page, Prescribing

-          Russell Brynes, Mental Health, End of Life Care and Equality and Diversity

-          David Plews, Medical Director, NHS Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council


What Services will the CCG commission?

-          Unplanned (unscheduled care)

-          Planned (scheduled care)

-          GP prescribed medication

-          Mental Health and Learning Disability

-          Children and Young People

Policy decided that most of Children’s Services would be commissioned by the CCG but School Nursing would remain the responsibility of the Council and Public Health.  Health Visitors would come under the NHSCB for 2 years and then transfer.  This was a risk area

-          End of Life Care

-          Transport services for patients

-          Any qualified provider services

-          Services jointly commissioned with RMBC

-          Services the CCG commissions from GPs (small)


Financial Challenges

-          Nationally the NHS had to save £20B

-          Rotherham would have to save approximately £80M by 2014/15


Challenges for the CCG

-          Overall the NHS spent approximately £2,000 per person

-          Approximately ¾ of the £2,000 per head was the responsibility of the CCG

-          Some areas which were very important for patients such as GP services and very specialised services were the responsibility of others (NHSCB or Public Health)

-          Costs and demands for services were increasing faster than NHS spending

-          Much of the balance of the spend was hard to change e.g. most of the money was spent on urgent hospital care

-          There was a chicken and egg problem in that the CCG could not spend more on prevention until it decreased the cost of acute services


CCG Urgent Care Review

-          A new Urgent Care Centre for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 63