Issue - meetings

Declarations of Interest

Meeting: 09/12/2013 - The Former Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing (Item 44)

Declarations of Interest


There were no Declarations of Interest made at the meeting.

Meeting: 14/10/2013 - The Former Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing (Item 27)

Declarations of Interest


There were no Declarations of Interest made at the meeting.

Meeting: 16/09/2013 - The Former Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing (Item 18)

Declarations of Interest


There were no Declarations of Interest made at the meeting.

Meeting: 08/07/2013 - The Former Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing (Item 10)

Declarations of Interest


Councillor Wyatt declared his personal interest in item 16 (Response to Winterbourne View), because a family relative is involved in the ‘Speak-up’ organisation which is mentioned in the submitted report