Issue - meetings

Rotherham Local Medical Committee

Meeting: 12/06/2013 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 8)

Rotherham Local Medical Committee

-        Update by Dr. Stephen Burns


Dr. Stephen Burns, Local Medical Committee, gave a resume of the work of the Committee in Rotherham as follows:-


-          The Committee was constituted every 3 years.  Every GP in Rotherham was eligible to stand and every GP in Rotherham had a vote.  Currently there were 10 members


-          It was recognised by NHS England as representative of practitioners in the area


-          Rotherham LMC was committed to the values of equity, fairness, openness and equal opportunities


-          Its aims was to present and support GPs ensuring that they were valued and their skills were properly utilised and to facilitate the smooth running of general practice


-          Wherever possible, the LMC worked co-operatively with local agencies and organisations to ensure patients received services and care in accordance with the profession’s local and national priorities.  Wherever necessary, the LMC defended the position of local GPs where the views of others conflicted with what it believed was in the best interests of patients and the profession


-          LMC representatives met monthly with the CCG to discuss GP/CCG interface issues


-          GPs and their teams provided 90% of the health care in Rotherham and saw approximately 7,000 people every working day in their practice


Discussion ensued on representation on the Board.  It was pointed out that commissioners of services were represented but not providers.


Resolved:-  That Dr. Burns receive Board agendas, on behalf of the Rotherham Local Medical Committee, for information and attend meetings as required.