Issue - meetings

Treasury Management.

Meeting: 25/07/2013 - The Former Self Regulation Select Commission (Item 17)

17 Corporate Risk Register pdf icon PDF 89 KB


Consideration was given to a report presented by the Director of Audit and Asset Management which provided details of this Council’s current Corporate Risk Register summary. The summary showed the risks associated with the Council’s most significant priorities and projects and actions being taken to mitigate these risks.


The Council’s key current risks continued to relate to the financial pressures faced by the Council, the implications of the Welfare Reforms, delivering effective Children’s Services within budget, Digital Region and economic growth. The report summarised the management actions being taken to mitigate these and other risks in the register and listed the risks in descending inherent risk order, so as to emphasise the most significant among them.


The risk score on the priority relating to achieving economic growth had increased in recognition of the continuing weak economic conditions. The financial risk associated with the administration of Municipal Mutual Insurance had been downgraded following more certainty over the Council’s financial liability and the availability of funding to meet this liability.


A new risk relating to Family Poverty (0044) had been added to the register, in recognition of this issue being a key priority for the Health and Wellbeing Board.


The Select Commission’s debate about this matter included the following salient issues:-


: realignment of the risk register with the Council’s revised Corporate Plan and corporate priorities;


: the risks related to social deprivation and families living in deprived circumstances;


: the need to ensure that there will be a cost effective outcome to the Digital Region project;


: insurance liabilities in respect of the Municipal Mutual Insurance company, which is now in administration.


Resolved:- (1) That the report be received and its contents noted.


(2) That the contents of the Corporate Risk Register summary, now submitted, be noted.


(3) That the current assessment of the Council’s priority corporate risks be approved.


(4) That, in the view of this Select Commission, the Corporate Risk Register should refer to the risks associated with the Council’s role as corporate parent of looked after children and young people.

Meeting: 17/07/2013 - Audit Committee (Item 6)

6 Corporate Risk Register pdf icon PDF 89 KB


Consideration was given to a report presented by Andy Shaw, Insurance and Risk Manager, which provided details of the current Corporate Risk Register summary. The summary showed the risks associated with the Council’s most significant priorities and projects and actions being taken to mitigate these risks.


The Council’s key current risks continued to relate to the financial pressures faced by the Council, the implications of the Welfare Reforms, delivering effective Children’s Services within budget, Digital Region and economic growth. The report summarised the management actions that were being taken to mitigate these and other risks in the register and listed the risks in descending inherent risk order to emphasise the most significant.


The risk score on the priority relating to achieving economic growth had increased in recognition of the on-going weak economic conditions. The financial risk associated with the administration of Municipal Mutual Insurance had been downgraded following more certainty over the Council’s financial liability and the availability of funding to meet the liability.


A new risk relating to Family Poverty (0044) had been added to the register in recognition of it being a key priority for the Health and Wellbeing Board.


Discussion ensued on the top risks that required on-going close monitoring, the importance of reviewing them on a regular basis and an update on their current status was provided.  It was also noted that the External Auditors were comfortable with the risk based approach taken by the Council as part of the risk management process.


Reference was made to discussions with partners sub-regionally regarding the impact of the budget reductions and welfare reform with a view to working effectively together to manage risk and solutions across South Yorkshire such as demand management and shared services.


Further information was sought on the procurement of services by the Council and the process applied in line with U.K. and European law.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the contents of the Corporate Risk Register summary attached at Appendix A be noted.


(2)  That the current assessment of the Council’s top corporate risks be approved.


(3)  That any further risks or opportunities that should be added to the risk register be identified.