Issue - meetings

Response to Scrutiny Review of Continuing Healthcare (report herewith)

Meeting: 22/07/2013 - The Former Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care (Item 20)

20 Response to Scrutiny Review of Continuing Healthcare pdf icon PDF 34 KB

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The Director of Health and Wellbeing reported that, following the above Scrutiny Review, a senior management working group consisting of both Council and NHSR staff, had met to agree a set of actions to ensure effective multi-disciplinary working and deliver better outcomes for customers.


Unfortunately significant changes in the NHS including the transfer of responsibilities to the Clinical Commissioning Group and the local National Commissioning Board had resulted in some delays in agreeing the devised joint protocol reflecting the National Guidance for NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS Funded Nursing Care and which addressed local issues identified by the Select Commission. 


It had been agreed that training would be delivered jointly by Continuing Health Council/Local Authority leads and rolled out across hospital, community and social care teams.


The joint protocol had been drafted and would include how to resolve disputes as well as written guidance for staff to ensure consistency and compliance.


The RMBC/CHC Senior Management Group, Personalisation Workstream, would continue to meet and consider budget issues and to develop cost effective delivery of personal health budgets by 1st April, 2014, based on a pilot project implemented from 1st April, 2013.


All of the Review’s recommendations had been accepted with the majority of the actions either completed or had a completion date stated.


Discussion ensued with the following comments made:-


-          Problems that arose in trying to get a Continuing Health Care assessment completed

-          When the process had commenced, if the individual was re-admitted to hospital the process had to begin again often meaning that the individual concerned was not receiving the Continuing Health Care funding to which they were entitled


Resolved:-  That the report be noted.