Issue - meetings

Scrutiny Review of RMBC Residential Homes (report herewith)

Meeting: 22/07/2013 - The Former Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care (Item 21)

21 Scrutiny Review of RMBC Residential Homes pdf icon PDF 37 KB

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The Director of Health and Wellbeing presented a report setting out the findings and recommendations of the Scrutiny Review of Council-run residential homes i.e. Lord Hardy Court and Davies Court.


The Review had been undertaken from September to December, 2012, in the context of the significant budget pressures being faced by the Council and the need to identify further efficiencies.  It had taken place alongside an independent financial review commissioned by the Directorate and delivered by Price Waterhouse Cooper.


Senior Management, Residential Managers and Human Resources had been working together to consider a number of options and recommendations from the review and the financial review.  The options and areas proposed were:-


-          Restructure staffing within the Homes including a review of Terms and Conditions for staff to achieve some of the budget savings proposals


-          Review and review shift patterns for all staff to ensure staffing requirements and Service provision was carried out safely to meet essential standards and Service user assessed needs


-          Ensure there were effective and robust Shift Leaders to comply, maintain and deliver standards of care for the Service users


-          Look at ways of maintaining Quality Assurance


-          Work between Residential Managers and Procurement Officers looking at options to utilise different suppliers and contracts to ensure value for money and address potential savings


-          Consideration to the social and activities programme provided


-          Possible lease arrangements to generate income


-          Discussions with EDS Building Manager with regard to fully utilising the role of Handy Person, now employed at each Home, and where savings could be achieved.


The Review reported under the 5 sub-headings of Staffing, Catering and Entertainment, Buildings and Maintenance, Costs and Comparison and Options for the Future.  Each section had its own recommendations totalling 10.  The response to the recommendations was set out in Appendix 2 of the report submitted.


Resolved:-  That the report be noted.