Issue - meetings

Caring for our Future: Implementing Social Care Funding Reform

Meeting: 11/09/2013 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 35)

35 Caring for our Future: Implementing Social Care Funding Reform pdf icon PDF 145 KB


The Chairman referred to the submitted correspondence from the Department of Health (letter dated 18 July 2013) concerning the consultation on the implementation of care and support funding reform. The period of consultation would end on 25th October, 2013.  Plans to help people better prepare for the cost of their future care needs had been published alongside details of how the new fairer funding system would protect homes and savings.


From 2016, the Government’s reforms would deliver a new cap of £72,000 on eligible care costs, additional financial help for people of modest wealth with less than £118,000 in assets including their home and, from 2015, a scheme to prevent anyone having to sell their home in their lifetime.


Views were being sought on how the changes to the funding system should happen and be organised locally.


Resolved:- That the contents of the letter dated 18 July 2013, from the Department of Health, be noted.