Issue - meetings

Financial Systems Transformation and Optimisation Programme

Meeting: 14/10/2013 - The Former Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing (Item 33)

Financial Systems Transformation and Optimisation Programme


Consideration was given to a report seeking an exemption from Standing Orders for the upgrade and re-engineering of the Council’s core financial system and processes, Cedar e5.3, in respect of associated professional services.


An exemption from Standing Orders for procurement of this service was required due to the consultant assigned by the proprietary provider of e5 now being self-employed. 


Resolved:-  That the contract for the provision of additional professional services to complete elements of the e5 upgrade be exempt from the provisions of Standing Order 47.6.3 (requirement to invite at least three written quotations for contracts with a value of £20k but less than £50k) and the appointment of Curlew Contracting Limited be approved.