Issue - meetings

Procurement Strategy

Meeting: 11/11/2013 - The Former Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing (Item 41)

Procurement Strategy

Simon Bradley, Corporate Procurement Team, to report


Simon Bradley, Corporate Procurement Team, gave a verbal update on the implementation of the Yortender software, which was part of the Government’s initiative to implement e-procurement, which allowed contractors to register free to an electronic system which would allow them to tender for public sector contracts of more than £50,000.


Emma Fairclough, Customer Excellence Manager, gave a short presentation, drawing specific attention to:-


·                YORtender – what it was.

·                Software Procontract – used widely across the U.K.

·                Procurement as part of the Yorkshire and Humber Region involving 22 Local Authorities.

·                Rotherham’s involvement in the development of the software through a regional sub-group.

·                Financial compliance.

·                Rotherham’s host of the training for the 22 Local Authorities – attended by 180 officers.

·                Procurement Services had also training more than 100 officers internally.

·                Benefits of using YORtender.

·                The increased opportunities to collaborate with other Local Authorities.

·                Display – what the system looked like and the simplified and structured approach.

·                Future planned workshops.


Discussion ensued on the operating manual for the system and the need for a piece of work to separate out areas, such as financial regulations and user instructions, which was to commence shortly. 


It was also noted that procurement would continue to offer some efficiency savings and the performance monitoring would continue.


Resolved:-  That the presentation and supporting information be noted.