Issue - meetings

ICT Issues

Meeting: 11/11/2013 - The Former Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing (Item 42)

ICT Issues

Richard Copley, Corporate ICT Manager, to report


Richard Copley, Corporate I.C.T. Manager, gave a verbal update on:-


·                The current staffing levels, which were 25% less than they had been previously with savings over £1 million per annum.


·                New ICT initiatives and several emerging challenges such as sourcing a new data network and achieving Public Service Network Accreditation (certifying that the Council’s ICT security is of the requisite standard). ICT and Procurement are also reviewing the use of BlackBerrys and Mobile phones throughout the Council with a view to saving significant sums.


·                The ICT Strategy 2011-2015 was also discussed with the priority projects being:-


Ø   Customer Access and Self Service.

Ø   Mobile Working.

Ø   Cloud Computing.


Discussion ensued on the benefits of Cloud computing, the location and status of the data centre in Bailey House and the work taking place around the resilience of the corporate network.


Resolved:-  That the information be noted.