Issue - meetings

Adult Services Revenue Budget Monitoring Report 2013/14

Meeting: 18/11/2013 - The Former Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care (Item 47)

47 Adult Services Revenue Budget Monitoring Report 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 53 KB


Consideration was given to the report presented by Mark Scarrott, Finance Manager, which provided a financial forecast for the Adult Services Department within the Neighbourhoods and Adult Services Directorate to the end of March, 2014 based on actual income and expenditure for the period ending September, 2013. 


The forecast for the financial year 2013/14 at this stage was an overall overspend of £1.418m, against an approved net revenue budget of £72.807m, a reduction in the overspend of £400k since the last report. The main budget pressure areas related to slippage on a number of budget savings targets including continuing health care funding and implementing the review of in-house residential care.


Management actions continued to be developed by budget managers to bring the forecast overspend in line with the approved cash limited budget.


A summary of the main variations against the approved budget for each service area was provided, as set out in detail as part of the report.


Discussion ensued on the latest outturn against the approved budgets and the need for a further column in the table to show the previous month’s figure and the budget position for children with learning difficulties moving into adulthood.


Resolved:-  That the report be received and latest financial projection against budget for 2013/14 be noted.