Issue - meetings

Charging Exemptions for Non-Residential Care

Meeting: 09/12/2013 - The Former Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care (Item 54)

54 Charging Exemptions for Non-Residential Care pdf icon PDF 37 KB


The Director of Health and Wellbeing submitted a report on the Fairer Charging Policies for Home Care and other non-residential Social Services issues under Section 7 of the Local Authority Social Services Act 1970 which set out guidance and a statutory framework for calculating how much someone should pay towards their non-residential services.  However, in some incidences, applying charges to Services assessed to meet eligible needs could prevent some of the most vulnerable customers from accessing Services.  The proposed Policy would regularise the inconsistencies.


Social Care assessors would need to ensure all assessments, risk assessments and support plans were completed, clearly identifying any risks and stating why an exemption to charges was required and support/services needed to meet the individual’s eligible needs.


The Team Manager would then approve, authorise and, where urgent authorisation was required outside of the Resource Allocation Panel, approved by a Service Manager.  The proposed exemption categories were:-


-          Housing - risk of being serviced notice by Environmental Health if not supported to improving living conditions

-          Risk of continuing cycle of self-neglect causing critical level of risk to health

-          Anti-social behaviour incidents – support to report to Police when incidents happened enabling the Police to respond more quickly

-          Substance misuse, risk of malnutrition, loss of dignity and support to access services i.e. Clearways for treatment

-          Risk of deterioration in mental health, low mood, suicidal ideation should support not be provided


Resolved:-  (1)  That the Policy be referred to Cabinet for adoption by full Council.


(2)  That a report be submitted in 12 months.