Issue - meetings

Better Care Fund

Meeting: 27/01/2014 - The Former Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing (Item 55)

Better Care Fund

-        Update by Kate Green, Policy Officer


Kate Green, Policy Officer, gave the following update on the above Fund:-


-          The development of the Local Plan was progressing


-          One of the national conditions was that it must be used to support Adult Social Care services in the Local Authority


-          It must also demonstrate how 7 days Services was to be provided to prevent unsafe discharge from hospital, how to improve data sharing, joint approach to assessment and care planning and identify the impact on the acute sector


-          The Health and Wellbeing Board had overall responsibility for signing off the Local Plan before submission to NHS England


-          High level task group established supported by a multi-agency officer working group


-          Task group and the Health and Wellbeing Board had adopted the nationally recognised definition for integration i.e. “I can plan my care with people who work together to understand me and my carer(s), allowing me control and bringing together services to achieve the outcomes important to me” and agreed in principle the local outcome measure


-          Requirement to consult with Service users, patients and providers as to how they were involved.  Healthwatch Rotherham had been commissioned to carry out a piece of work with the general public.  Work with Social Care providers was also taking place as well as pulling together outcomes from a range of consultations around the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.  The CCG would also be gathering information from the consultative work they had carried out in developing their own commissioning plans


-          The final Local Plan would be considered at a special meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board on 11th February prior to its submission to NHS England on 14th February


-          The Fund would be performance managed through 5 national measures and 1 locally determined measure.  Rotherham had agreed to adopt a local measure in relation to Long Term Conditions and work was being undertaken to ensure this measure was fit for purpose


Resolved:-  That the report be noted.