Issue - meetings

CCG Plan 2014

Meeting: 22/01/2014 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 68)

68 Rotherham CCG Plan 2014/2015 pdf icon PDF 380 KB

-        Robin Carlisle, CCG, to present

Additional documents:


Robin Carlisle, Deputy Chief Officer, Rotherham CCG, presented the CCG’s 5 year commissioning plan for endorsement prior to submission to NHS England on 14th February, 2014.


The plan had been developed in discussion with member GP practices, other Rotherham commissioners (RMBC and NHS England) and providers of health services in Rotherham (including TRFT and RDASH) and circulated to stakeholders.  Comments received and the requirements of the planning guidance “Everyone Counts” had been incorporated into the draft.


Comments by Board members would be welcomed particularly on the following:-


-          5 year vision

-          Plan on a page

-          QIPP (Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention) both Provider and System Wide


There was still work required by the February deadline with regard to financial implications, levels of ambition for outcome measures and Rotherham’s approach to the Better Care Fund.


Discussion ensued on the document with the following comments made:-


·           Important for all Service providers to understand/know the detail of what the implications were for their particular services and the chance to be involved

·           Need to ensure all the plans being submitted to the various bodies all aligned and did not forget the transformational time required to make the plans happen


Resolved:-  (1)  That any comments on the plan be submitted to the CCG as a matter of urgency to enable the plan to be submitted to NHS England by the 14th February, 2014, deadline.


(2)  That the Council and NHS England, as co-commissioners, confirm that the plan was complementary with their own commissioning plans.


(3)  That TRFT and RDASH, as substantial providers of health services within Rotherham, confirm that the financial, activity and strategic vision in the plan triangulated with their 5 year organisational plans.