Issue - meetings

Sexual Health Services

Meeting: 23/01/2014 - Health Select Commission (Item 63)

63 Sexual Health Services pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Gill Harrison, Public Health Specialist to present


Consideration was given to a report presented by Public Health Specialist Gill Harrison, summarising the Sexual Health Services’ commissioning responsibilities of local authorities in relation to the expected delivery measures, as outlined in the Public Health Outcomes Framework for England, 2013-2016. The report also outlined the responsibility which local authorities had in relation to the Health Protection of the population, by the development of local plans and capacity to monitor and manage acute incidents to help prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted infections and to foster improvements in sexual health.


The submitted report also summarised the most recent sexual health data from the Health Protection Report tables, published by Public Health England on 5th June 2013


and outlined the implications for Rotherham. This data was now being used in the development of a new strategy for Sexual Health in Rotherham, taking into account the statutory duty of local authorities to ensure open access to Sexual Health Services for the population.


Members were informed that there were three outcome delivery measures for local authorities, in relation to sexual health, outlined in the Public Health Outcomes Framework for England, 2013-2016. These measures had been included as markers to give an overall picture of the level of sexual infection, unprotected sexual activity and general sexual health within the population. The delivery measures were:-


-          to work towards achieving a diagnosis rate for Chlamydia of 2,400 – 3,000 cases per 100,000 population (adults aged 15-24 years);

-          to work towards a reduction in the proportion of persons presenting with HIV at a late stage of infection (based on a CD4 count of less than 350 cells/mm3); and

-          to work towards a reduction in teenage conceptions.


Specific reference was made to:-


-          commissioning and reporting arrangements for sexual health services – enabling the assessment of the effectiveness and value for money of these services;


-          the effectiveness of sexual health screening programmes and the management of patient contacts;


-          the funding of ‘out-of-area’ services, as patients may themselves choose where they accessed treatment services;


-          comparisons of the incidence of sexually transmitted infections in Rotherham and around the country;


-          the role and function of the Rotherham Sexual Health Strategy Group;


-          the provision of sexual health education in schools;


-          specific treatments  e.g. contraception services;


-          the measures in place to reduce the incidence of teenage pregnancy;


-          safeguarding and protocols; 


-          examination of trends, over many years, in respect of sexually transmitted infections e.g. rates of Chlamydia are relatively high, but are reducing;


-        the need for early intervention and prevention of infection (e.g. the Chlamydia screening programme, work with schools, colleges and VCS groups);


-          the overall use of the finance and resources available for Sexual Health Services, including the commissioning of services;


-          ensuring that adequate advice about the prevention of infection was provided to patients;


-          local Public Health services provided by GPs.


Resolved:- (1) That the report be received and its contents  ...  view the full minutes text for item 63