Issue - meetings

Scrutiny Review - Information for Carers

Meeting: 23/01/2014 - Health Select Commission (Item 64)

64 Scrutiny Review - Information for Carers pdf icon PDF 38 KB

Deborah Fellowes, Scrutiny Manager to present

Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 30 of the meeting of the Health Select Commission held on 12th September, 2013, consideration was given to a report presented by the Scrutiny Manager setting out the main findings and recommendations of the scrutiny review of support for carers in Rotherham. The draft review report was submitted for consideration by the Health Select Commission.


The report and discussion highlighted the following salient issues:-


-          the recommendations for future actions, arising from this scrutiny review; Members noted that some of the issues raised are resource-intensive and their implementation may depend upon the allocation of limited resources;


-          the review of performance targets;


-          partnership working with GPs in the provision of services;


-          the importance of providing emotional support for carers – including the creation of a multi-agency ‘carers’ pathway’;


-          the availability of the Better Care Fund, which ultimately did not provide additional funding for the delivery of local authority services (details of this Fund are to be reported to the next meeting of this Select Commission).


Members placed on record their appreciation of the work undertaken by the scrutiny review group.


Resolved:- (1) That the report be received and its contents noted.


(2) That, subject to appropriate amendments being made to the review report and its recommendations, as now discussed, the Health Select Commission endorses the findings and recommendations of the scrutiny review of support for carers in Rotherham.

(3) That the report and recommendations of this scrutiny review, as amended in accordance with resolution (2) above, be forwarded to the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board and to the Cabinet for further consideration.