Issue - meetings

Training Adult Social Care Workforce

Meeting: 17/02/2014 - The Former Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care (Item 76)

76 Training Adult Social Care Workforce pdf icon PDF 43 KB


The Director of Health and Wellbeing submitted a request for exemption from Standing Order No. 48 (contracts valued at £50,00 or more) in order that 3 existing training providers may continue to be contracted to repeat their specialist “branded” training courses in support of a capable and skilled Adult Social Care workforce across Rotherham.


The Neighbourhoods and Adult Services Directorate planned and organised a broad range of training and development activities for the entire Adult Social Care workforce across Rotherham.  The majority of future training needs identified for the workforce would now be met through the Council’s new Dynamic Purchasing System for Learning and Development that had been let by the Corporate Procurement Team.  However, a very small number of existing specialist sole training provider courses planned to continue and it  was proposed that the following 4 courses be provided by the 3 existing providers, (Alzheimer’s Society, Later Life Training, and Bradford University):-


Care Information and Support Programme

OTAGO Exercise Programme Leader

Cornerstones of Person-Centred Dementia Care

Dementia Care Mapping


It was noted that, although the total amount of the contracts would amount to more than £50,000 the individual contract value was below that level.  Clarification would be sought from the Procurement Team.


Resolved:- That the contracting of training courses for Dementia Care Mapping, Cornerstones of Dementia Care, Carer Information and Support Programme and the OTAGO Exercise Programme be exempt from Standing Order No. 48 (contracts valued at £50,000 or more) subject to confirmation from the Procurement Team.