Issue - meetings

Update Response to Scrutiny Review re Continuing Healthcare

Meeting: 17/02/2014 - The Former Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care (Item 78)

78 Update Response to Scrutiny Review re Continuing Healthcare pdf icon PDF 38 KB

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The Director of Health and Wellbeing reported on the progress made on the recommendations from the joint Health and Improving Lives Select Commissions’ review into Continuing Health Care.


A senior management group consisting of both RMBC and NHSR staff had agreed a set of actions to ensure effective multi-disciplinary working and delivery of better outcomes for customers:-


-          CHC and Social Care Assessments - An improved working relationship now existed and an understanding of each professional’s role in participating in a multi-disciplinary assessment and completing the Decision Support Tool.  However, it had yet to be seen whether this would impact upon the financial position as positively as was required.


-          Assessment, Decision Making and Access to CHC for Children with Complex Needs - For children and young people with significant needs, there were 2 main areas which needed to be improved.  Firstly, reviews of current cases and consideration of a number of new cases which had yet to be assessed and considered by the Panel and secondly, an improved system of decision making through a revised Continuing Care Panel which complied with national guidance on Children’s Continuing Healthcare and ‘Who Pays’.  There had been a commitment to address the backlog by the end of March, 2014, however, it had since become apparent that the CCG and CSU were unable to meet the deadline.  It had since been agreed that the CCG would backdate their financial commitment for cases in 2013/14 to the date from which the package of care started for children and young people agreed as eligible for CHC funding and they were seeking clinical assessment support to carry out the work.  CCG and Council staff were meeting fortnightly to progress the agreed programme of work.


-          Joint Protocol – Had been drafted and work had commenced with Continuing Health Care manager/staff and RMBC CHC Champions – CHC Lead now in post. Specific training for those working in Children’s Services would be based on regional advice following the National Guidance on CHC and take account of the new Panel arrangements.  The Protocol would include how to resolve disputes and written guidance for staff produced to ensure consistency and compliance once issued.


-          Training   To be delivered jointly by CHC/RMBC leads and rolled out across hospital, Community Health and Social Care Teams.  Progress on delivery had been delayed as CCG required to provide information regarding the start date.


The RMBC/CHC Senior Management Group, Personalisation Stream, would continue to meet and consider budget issues/develop cost effective delivery of personal health budgets by 1st April, 2014, based on a pilot project implemented from 1st April, 2013.


The latest Yorkshire and Humberside CHC benchmarking information for the final quarter ending 31st March, 2013, revealed that Rotherham was marked 7 out of 15 in terms of the number of people receiving CHC funding.  In terms of actual expenditure Rotherham was ranked 10th and, therefore, still below the average spend per person within the region.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 78