Issue - meetings

Healthwatch Rotherham - Update

Meeting: 10/03/2014 - The Former Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing (Item 72)

Healthwatch Rotherham - Update


Melanie Hall, Manager, and Naveen Judah, Chair, attended the meeting to give an update on the work of Healthwatch Rotherham highlighting the following:-


Looked After Children – Barriers to Health Care

-          A Sheffield University student was conducting a specific research project on behalf of Healthwatch and holding interviews with care leavers on when they had accessed health care, why they had not etc. to gain an understanding of the issues.  The work would be completed by 17th September

-          The analysis would inform the CCG and their commissioning

-          It would be disseminated to the Health and Wellbeing Board and the CCG


Special Education Needs and Disability

-          Working with the Council on the review that was being undertaken - requested to undertake a 6 months project on the engagement with the local population

-          Awaiting confirmation as to what consultation was required



-          Recent meeting with 6 members of the public who had contact with the Service

-          Agreed that the 6 Service users would facilitate a meeting with other users to capture their views and experiences


Trend Analysis

-          6 monthly analysis of the data collected from the public

-          10 organisations had been sent questions to answer with a 30 day deadline


Continuing Health Care

-          Remains on the escalation policy

-          Information awaited on how information was provided to the public on CHC

-          Presentation to the Health Select Commission on 13th March

-          South and West Yorkshire were gathering views regarding the Commissioning Support Unit


Learning Disability and Mental Health Discharge Route

-          Ascertained that there were instances of delayed discharges due to funding arrangements not being agreed

-          Mental Health Act – specific duty

-          Local Authority and the CCG to report to the Quality Surveillance Group



-     Issues with regard to “old” case notes not being transferred to “new” case notes following transgender surgery – implications for allergies etc.

-     Reported to the Quality Surveillance Group and was now with NHS England


It was noted that representatives had been invited to present to a meeting of the LGA on 18th March on the impact of Healthwatch.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the update be noted.


(2)  That an update be submitted every 3 months.


(3)  That the update be submitted to the Health and Wellbeing Board on 26th March, 2014.