Issue - meetings

Rothercare Dispersed Alarms - Tender

Meeting: 17/02/2014 - The Former Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care (Item 80)

Rothercare Dispersed Alarms - Tender


The Procurement – Category Manager reported receipt of a tender received for the supply of Dispersed alarms for the Rothercare Service.


Due to the fast moving pace of the technological world, it had been felt that a 2 year deal would give the best combination of value, future options and flexibility to the Authority.  It would be renewed annually subject to satisfactory performance.


As part of the procurement category management process, a thorough investigation of the telecare market place and had been subject to competition through the Northern Housing Consortiums Assisted Living Framework.


5 key providers had been invited to bid with 2 tender submissions received.  The tenders had been evaluated and subjected to equipment trials by colleagues within Rothercare and users of the Service.


Discussion ensued with the following issues raised:-


-          Charges to the Service users

-          Development of the Rothercare system

-          Assistive technology


Resolved:-  that the tender submitted by Tunstall Healthcare Ltd., for the supply of Dispersed Alarm units, be approved.