Issue - meetings

Health Select Commission Work Programme Update

Meeting: 17/04/2014 - Health Select Commission (Item 88)

88 Health Select Commission Work Programme Update pdf icon PDF 53 KB


Janet Spurling, Scrutiny Officer, presented a progress report on the Select Commission’s work programme and delivery to date together with future agenda items and potential themes for 2014/15.


Items suggested to date for the proposed programme for the Health Select Commission were as follows:-


Mental Health

Special Schools – Nurses and School Nursing Service

Commissioning Support Unit – Continuing Health Care


Items still to be considered but scheduled for June/July were:-



Better Care Fund – final action plan

Public Health Annual Report

Health and Wellbeing Strategy Workstreams – Poverty and Prevention and Early Intervention

Emergency Care Centre


Rotherham Foundation Trust Quality Accounts


Discussion ensued on the inclusion of Mental Health within the proposed programme and the broad spectrum it encompassed.  It was suggested that a scoping paper be produced to establish which areas should be concentrated on.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the achievements made so far be noted.


(2)  That Mental Health and Wellbeing underpin the Health Select Commission’s 2014/15 work programme.