73 Corporate Risk Register PDF 95 KB
Consideration was given to a report presented by Colin Earl, Director of Audit and Asset Management, which provided details of the current Corporate Risk Register summary. The summary showed the risks associated with the Council’s most significant priorities and projects and actions being taken to mitigate these risks.
The Council’s key current risks continued to relate to the financial pressures faced by the Council, the impact of the Welfare Reforms, delivering effective Children’s Services and economic growth. The report summarised the management actions that were being taken to mitigate these and other risks in the register and listed the risks in descending inherent risk order to emphasise the most significant.
A new risk relating to pandemics and communicable diseases had been added to the Register at the request of Public Health in recognition of the changing face of the Authority and its responsibilities.
Two risks had been removed from the Register:-
- Making the best use of properties and expanding worksmart – the aims had been sufficiently progressed to warrant its removal from the Register but would continue to be reviewed as part of the EDS top priorities/Risk Register.
- Financial impact of Mesothelioma claims to be paid through Municipal Mutual Insurance – the impact was now more clearly known and had been fully provided for.
It was noted that KPMG were carrying out an analysis of Risk Registers across the region and would provide a report on the comparison exercise in due course.
As had been noted in the previous report the impact of schools seeking academy status was affecting income by the ICT Team.
The Select Commission questioned whether or not the impact of the De-regulation Bill had been factored into the Risk Register and referred to the recent seminar held for all Members on Universal Credit as part of the Welfare Reform.
It was also noted that the Forward Plan of Key Decisions was presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board.
Further information was also requested on the key lines of responsibility and accountability for those schools who had sought academy status and how safeguarding issues were monitored and also on the model of accountability and reporting mechanisms for Public Health.
Clarification was also sought on the financial impact of mesothelioma and the reasons for the removal from the Risk Register and whether or not schools not hitting targets or in dispute should be added.
Resolved:- (1) That the contents of the Corporate Risk Register summary attached at Appendix A be noted.
(2) That the current assessment of the Council’s top corporate risks be noted.
(3) That the De-Regulation Bill and schools in deficit seeking academy status be considered for addition to the Corporate Risk Register.
29 Corporate Risk Register PDF 94 KB
Consideration was given to a report presented by Colin Earl, Director of Audit and Asset Management, which provided details of the current Corporate Risk Register summary. The summary showed the risks associated with the Council’s most significant priorities and projects and actions being taken to mitigate these risks.
The Council’s key current risks continued to relate to the financial pressures faced by the Council, the impact of the Welfare Reforms, delivering effective Children’s Services and economic growth. The report summarised the management actions that were being taken to mitigate these and other risks in the register and listed the risks in descending inherent risk order to emphasise the most significant.
Risks associated with Digital Region had been lowered to reflect the decision by South Yorkshire Councils to close the network and the expectation that funding for closure was in place.
A new risk relating to pandemics and communicable diseases had been added to the Register at the request of Public Health in recognition of the changing face of the Authority and its responsibilities.
Two risks had been removed from the Register:-
- Making the best use of properties and expanding worksmart – the aims had been sufficiently progressed to warrant its removal from the Register but would continue to be reviewed as part of the EDS top priorities/Risk Register
- Financial impact of Mesothelioma claims to be paid through Municipal Mutual Insurance – the impact was now more clearly known and had been fully provided for
It was noted that KPMG were carrying out an analysis of Risk Registers across the region and would provide a report on the comparison exercise in due course.
Stuart Booth, Director of Finance, gave an update on the tendering process following the decision by Co-operative Bank to withdraw from banking services to local authorities. It was planned to go out to tender at the end of the month with a view to operating with a new provider before the end of 2014.
Resolved:- (1) That the contents of the Corporate Risk Register summary attached at Appendix A be noted.
(2) That the current assessment of the Council’s top corporate risks be approved.
(3) That any further risks or opportunities that should be added to the risk register be identified.