Issue - meetings

HWB Peer Challenge

Meeting: 27/08/2014 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 15)

HWB Peer Challenge

- verbal update


Satvinder Rana from the Local Government Association, reported that the Peer Challenge team would be on site from 9th-12th September.


Background work had been undertaken with the questionnaires previously supplied to members analysed.  Statistics had been collated and documentation reviewed by the team.


Once on site, discussions would be held with Board members/stakeholders in the health and wellbeing system to ascertain how things were going.  There was a suite of core questions in addition to the direction supplied on the type of things the Board wanted the team to focus upon.


It must be remembered it was not an inspection.  The team consisted of practitioners i.e. someone from health and wellbeing, a Chief Executive from a Council, Director of Public Health etc. each bringing their experiences and feeding back on what they saw. 


After the 4 days the findings would be fed back.  There would be a presentation on the Friday morning followed by a report in 2 weeks later.  The Board would have the opportunity to comment upon the report and, once signed off, would be published.


The Chairman encouraged members to be open about their experiences within the Board.  It was hoped the Peer Challenge would be a constructive and positive process and provide recommendations to continued development.


All Board members would be invited to the presentation on the 12th September and requested that responses be provided to the invitation.


Resolved:-  That the report be noted.