Issue - meetings

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

Meeting: 27/08/2014 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 16)

16 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment pdf icon PDF 41 KB

- Chrissy Wright to report


Chrissy Wright, Strategic Commissioner, submitted a report on the progress made in updating the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).


The JSNA was reviewed and revised at the end of 2011, however, a further refresh was required to meet Government guidance and a new online version developed and agreed in February, 2014.  The JSNA process was a co-ordinated and consistent approach to data and information that had been validated and was evidence based.


All those who had contributed to the 2013 JSNA refresh were asked to provide any changes or additions to the information previously provided.  In most cases the changes so far had been minor and the key issues emerging remain as previously reported.


Revised population projections now suggested that Rotherham would have 2,500 (1%) fewer residents by 2021 than previously projected.  The reduction mainly affected people of working age whilst the expected numbers of older people aged 65+ and 75+ were slightly higher than previously projected.  This illustrated the value of being able to update the JSNA so that new information could quickly be made available online.


A new requirement was for an Asset Register for the Borough such as physical community resources, leisure facilities and individual community resources.  Compiling the Register had been a substantial piece of work but the information could be interrogated as required by the user to identify the resource sought.  It was proposed that the Asset Register be used alongside the events and organisations information database on Connect to Support.  The Register was in the process of being uploaded to the JSNA website.


Discussion ensued with the following comments made:-


-          The document would become increasingly important particularly for commissioners as well as the move to more community-based services and integrated working


-          Similarly the Asset Register for interested parties/communities linking into case management plans and single patient records so every locality knew exactly what resources each had in their community


-          It was particularly important to understand what the voluntary sector had in place so it was essential it was refreshed on a regular basis.  There were champions in each organisation whose responsibility it was to feed updated information through which would then feed into the Board 6 monthly updates


-          VAR had a directory of 600 organisations which spelt out which provided what services in each area


-          The JSNA featured in RDaSH’s 5 year strategic plan of services


-           A meeting had been arranged to discuss how Healthwatch and the public could feed into the process  


-          RFT had found it extremely valuable when producing their 5 year strategy


Resolved:-  (1)  That the progress made in relation to the updating of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and the establishment of the Asset Register be noted.


(2)  That further updates be submitted twice a year (September and March) and by exception if so required.