Issue - meetings

Mental Health Scrutiny

Meeting: 11/09/2014 - Health Select Commission (Item 40)

40 Mental Health Scrutiny Reviews pdf icon PDF 232 KB


Janet Spurling, Scrutiny Officer, presented a brief overview of local Mental Health Services to inform the 2014-15 work programme as well as highlighting potential issues to consider for the scope of the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services review.


Given the wide range of Mental Health and Wellbeing Services available to support and treat children and young people, Members may wish to limit the review to specific Services within the wider CAMHS provision, whether delivered by RMBC, RDaSH and/or other providers.


Potential areas to consider included:-


-          Numbers and demographic profile of Service users

-          Referral mechanisms and pathways

-          Waiting times once referred

-          7 day access to Services

-          Getting support in a crisis

-          Service quality

-          Experience of service users/patients

-          Experience of families and carers

-          Complaints and results of satisfaction surveys

-          Outcomes for Service users

-          Financial resources and budget allocation

-          Targets and performance

-          Access to wider counselling and support

-          Awareness raising and breaking down barriers

-          Information about Services and how to access them


The Chairman asked for volunteers for a sub-group.


Resolved:-  (1)  That a sub-group meeting would take place on 19th September, 2014, at 12.00 Noon.


(2)  That the review group consist of the Chairman and Councillors Dalton and Vines, Mr. P. Scholey plus 2 representatives to be invited from the Improving Lives Select Commission.


(3) That an invitation to join the review group be forwarded to those Health Select Commission members not in attendance.