Issue - meetings

Draft Local Health Protocols

Meeting: 11/09/2014 - Health Select Commission (Item 42)

42 Draft Local Health Protocols pdf icon PDF 91 KB


Janet Spurling, Policy Officer, submitted the draft joint protocol between the Health and Wellbeing Board, Health Select Commission and Healthwatch Rotherham.  It detailed the distinctive roles of each body and presented examples of working together and reporting arrangements.


All 3 bodies recognised that they had a role to play in the way that local services were planned and delivered and that how they interacted with each other would directly influence and add value to outcomes for local people and communities.


Two minor changes had been tabled since the papers were published, with the first two bullet points under action 3 worded as follows:


Chair of HWB invited to attend HSC and share minutes of meetings

Open invitation for scrutiny members to attend HWB as observers


Resolved:-  That the protocols, as updated, be agreed from the perspective of Health Select Commission.