Issue - meetings

Performance Management Framework

Meeting: 01/10/2014 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 26)

26 Performance Management Framework pdf icon PDF 176 KB

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Dr. John Radford, Director of Public Health, presented the current position on the reporting framework for 6 Priorities of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy drawing attention to:-


-          Reducing hospital admissions due to alcohol related illness – activity had worsened.  Although it reflected an increase in hospital admissions it was not an accurate figure.  The CCG were carrying out work to understand the issues and had a pilot in place to reduce alcohol related hospital admissions


-          Discussions were taking place with South Yorkshire Police regarding the number of FPN waivers which resulted in attendance at binge drinking courses – it was believed that the number was higher than reported


-          The trend in terms of healthy life expectancy in Rotherham was improving.  There were issues in relation to childhood obesity and very high levels of inactivity in Rotherham than elsewhere in the country


Discussion ensued with the following issue raised/clarified:-


·           There was poor dental health in children of 2-5 years.  Public Health England had been asked to submit a report setting out the trends.  It again raised the issue of fluoridation and persuading parents to give their children water/milk rather than sugary drinks


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That a report be submitted to a future Board meeting in relation to the trends associated with Priority 2 particularly relating to reduced hospital admissions due to alcohol related illness, the number of FPN waivers and children’s dental health.


(3)  That future performance management reports highlight any indicators off target together with the reasons for such performance.