Issue - meetings

Healthwatch Rotherham

Meeting: 01/10/2014 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 27)

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Chrissy Wright to report


Further to Minute No. 88 of 26th March, 2014, Chrissy Wright, Strategic Commissioning Manager, reported that the contract for Healthwatch Rotherham had terminated with Parkwood Healthcare Ltd. on 31st August, 2014, and the contract commenced with the social enterprise Rotherham Healthwatch Ltd. on 1st September.


Rotherham Healthwatch would continue to deliver the service under the same terms and conditions as the previous provider using the original specification for the service and the existing staffing arrangements.  All existing staff had been transferred to Rotherham Healthwatch Ltd. under TUPE regulations.


The report also set out performance for the first half of the year as well as future work for the remainder of the year.


As of yet it was not known whether there would be Government funding post-March, 2015.  If funding was forthcoming it was the intention to recommission the social enterprise.


Discussion ensued with the following issues raised/clarified:-


-          The contract was currently until April, 2015

-          Healthwatch had also work on the Mental Health Review and the SEND Review

-          The social enterprise had been fully aware of the risk of the possibility of no further funding when the contract had been signed

-          The decrease in the number of volunteer hours and volunteers used during July


Resolved:-  (1)  That the setting up of the social enterprise Rotherham Healthwatch Ltd. be noted.


(2)  That the termination of the contract with Parkwood Healthcare Ltd. and the transfer of the rights and obligations of the Healthwatch Rotherham Service to Rotherham Healthwatch Ltd. be noted.


(3)  That the progress achieved be noted.


(4)  That further updates be submitted in due course.


(5)  That the reduction in the number of volunteer hours and volunteers used be referred to the Chief Executive of Rotherham Healthwatch Ltd. for comment.


(6)  That the Board’s congratulations be conveyed to those concerned in achieving social enterprise status and wished well for the future.