Issue - meetings

Vaccinations and Immunisations for Pregnant Women

Meeting: 01/10/2014 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 28)

Vaccinations and Immunisations for Pregnant Women


Further to Minute No. S11. Dr. Julie Kitlowski, CCG, reported that agreement had now been reached and that midwives would be trained to give vaccinations but not until next year.


David Hicks, TRFT, stated that there were issues around training, resources and the timing of when vaccinations were due, however, it was the Trust’s intention to implement the programme next year.


An action plan would be drawn up.  It was imperative that any barriers to implementation were raised so agencies could work together and agree a way forward.


Fiona Jordan, Screening Officer, NHS, reported that a lot of work was carried out with GP practices and the hospital emphasising the need to increase the uptake of the Pertussis.  There was a need to ensure that all pregnant women were offered the vaccination by their GP or midwife and that the statistics were captured of those who refused the offer.  Weekly e-mails were sent to practices to reiterate the message.


Resolved:-  That an update be submitted to the next Board meeting.