Issue - meetings

Introduction of a new approach to mobile technology into Rothercare (M-care).

Meeting: 08/12/2014 - The Former Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health (September 2014-January 2015 (Item 39)

39 Introduction of a new approach to Mobile Technology into Rothercare (M-care). pdf icon PDF 57 KB

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Shona McFarlane, Director of Health and Wellbeing, presented a report for future service delivery of Rothercare to those customers who did not have a landline in their properties.


Due to the ending of the Health and Wellbeing Service and a number of residents within Rotherham deciding to use mobile phones instead of having landlines in their properties, some people who would access Rothercare to increase their safety were having to be declined a service.


There were approximately 30 customers who had been refused the Rothercare Service for this reason.


M-Care (Mobile care) used mobile phones as a gateway to telecare and telehealth for those with lifestyles better suited to using their mobile phone as a link to 24/7 monitoring services.  It enabled the customer to go out into their local community knowing that they were safe.


Anyone who used a mobile phone could use M-Care by pressing a speed dial number on their mobile handset to contact Rothercare.  The call would be presented to the centre operators in a similar manner to a typical telecare call showing clearly the call was from a mobile phone.


Discussion ensued with the following issues raised/clarified:-


-          It would not replace the pendant/fob etc. – it was purely for those customers who did not have a landline facility to their property

-          Clarity would be needed as to the customer’s ability to use a mobile phone, ensure it was charged etc.

-          Could a customer have both conventional access to the Service and the mobile facility?

-          Who could access the Service?

-          Where could they access the Service?

-          The Service’s ability to cope with potential increase in demand


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That a further report be submitted to the next meeting covering the issues raised above.


(3)  That arrangements be made for a visit to Rothercare.