Issue - meetings

The Rotherham Foundation Trust - Update on Action Plan Progress

Meeting: 22/01/2015 - Health Select Commission (Item 78)

The Rotherham Foundation Trust - Update on Action Plan Progress

Louise Barnett, Chief Executive, to present


Louise Barnett, Chief Executive, Rotherham Foundation Trust, gave a powerpoint presentation illustrating the progress made on the 5 year strategic plan as follows:-


Option 1 – the preferred Option

-          There was overwhelming support from the lead commissioner to retain locally run services for the population of Rotherham led and managed by the Trust

-          There was a significant number of potential opportunities that would be realised through closer working and collaboration with other providers without recourse to merger


Option 1 – Financial Challenge and Progress

-          Final Cost Improvement Programme for 2014/15 agreed in 5 year plan was £10.9M

-          As at 30th November, 2014, Month 8, the Trust had delivered c£6.3M in-year against £6.1M plan

-          Year end forecast at Month 8 was £10.1M and full year effect was £12.1M

-          Month 9 on track and on target to achieve the full Cost Improvement Programme in-year of £10.9M including significant full year effect to support 2015/16

-          All schemes were approved subject to Quality Impact Assessments with sign off by the Chief Nurse and Medical Director

-          The Cost Improvement Programme for 2015/16 was currently £12.9M as stated in 2014/15 5 year plan for year 2

-          This would be refreshed in line with sector business planning requirements

-          Over performance in 2014/15 would support delivery of this requirement

-          Capital spend was slightly ahead of plan in Month 8 but was being monitored and where possible consideration was being given to advancing schemes for next year

-          Aims was to ensure a robust planned programme of capital expenditure to support Service delivery

-          Reserves were being access to support delivery of the plan for 2014/15


Progress against Key Areas

-          Clinical Speciality Reviews had been completed and the outcome would be shared with the Trust Board in January

-          Emergency Centre Business Case agreed and expected to open in 2017

-          Further work would be progressed during 2015/16 and the outer years to support the Trust’s strategic direction to be a standalone Trust with collaboration

-          Local context was compatible with national context – “Five Year Forward View” and the “Dalton Review” which supported local services and strived to achieve clinical and financial sustainability more broadly

-          Benchmarking exercise undertaken with external input

-          Identified opportunities for efficiencies compared with peer group

-          Used to inform the cost improvement and transformation programmes for 2015/15 and beyond

-          Importance of implementing Service Line Reporting and Patient Level Costing (PLiCS) to enable detailed understanding of cost base in 2015/16


Other Key Areas

-     Monitor enforcement/undertakings

Electronic Patient Record enforcement lifted

Submitted documentation regarding Board Governance enforcement

Financial enforcement remained in place

-     Board Director appointment since the last formal meeting

Simon Shepherd, Director of Finance

Chris Holt, Chief Operating Officer

Lynne Waters, Executive Director of Human Resources

Donal O’Donaghue, Interim Medical Director

-     Winter pressures

A&E performance

Support from health and social care partners

Choose Well Campaign

-     Sickness absence

-     Recruitment and retention  ...  view the full minutes text for item 78