Issue - meetings

Rotherham Drug and Alcohol Services - Restructure

Meeting: 22/04/2015 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 75)

75 Consultation on Drugs and Alcohol Public Health Expenditure pdf icon PDF 32 KB

Anne Charlesworth, Head of Drugs and Alcohol and Primary Care, to present


Joanna Saunders, Public Health, presented a report on proposals to commence consultation with partners on the proposed changes to the Drugs and Alcohol Services from 1st October, 2015.


As part of its budget review exercises during 2014/15, the Council had identified the potential for efficiency savings through the Drugs and Alcohol Public Health Programme Area.  The former Cabinet had agreed the outline proposals in principle and it was now proposed that a wider consultation process commence in May.


The local voluntary sector alcohol provider, Lifeline, had been successful together with Public Health Commissioning, in obtaining a large Department of Health capital grant for the development of a local Recovery Hub.  This had provided an opportunity to develop the proposed amalgamation of some services.


Creation of such a Hub would include peer support work being delivered in a different way, therefore, it would be proposed to increase the amount of group work delivery and decrease the amount of individual one-to-one client work undertaken by the existing service provider.  If agreed this may require changes to the staffing structure within RDaSH in order to reshape service delivery in line with the new recovery agenda whilst retaining a clinically safe and effective service which prioritised those at the highest risk both to themselves and to the community.


Discussion ensued on the proposals with the following points raised:-


-          Consultation with users, carers, providers and partners to ensure good feedback with regard to improving the Service.  It would also attempt to provide reassurance that there was recognition that the Service was valued and that any new provision would be an improvement on the existing 


-          It had to be made clear to those organisations that provided the Services that a decision had not been made as yet


-          Concern of the workers that the suggested proposals would result in job losses - already some were looking for alternative employment 


-          Historically there had been excellent take up of the Service delivered by Primary Care to the sector and fear that the proposals would be catastrophic for the patients of Rotherham – a good evidence base was required to justify the change


-          At a recent meeting of the Local Medical Council GPs had expressed concern about the possible loss of their Workers.  There had been a consensus that they would consider withdrawing from the shared provision


-          The proposed consultation would take place during the middle of May.  The documents would set out the evidence base and best practice used elsewhere


-          The DAT and DAT Management Board had thought the decision had already been made so would welcome consultation.  A reduction in provision would result in more people being vulnerable


-          RDaSH had commenced consultation with staff


-          The outcome of the consultation will be considered by the Board


Resolved:-  (1)  That a detailed formal consultation process with users and carers, partners in care and Health and Community Safety and providers, be launched in mid-May for 3 months.


(2)  That, in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 75