Issue - meetings

Support for Child Sexual Exploitation Victims and Survivors

Meeting: 22/04/2015 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 79)

Support for Child Sexual Exploitation Victims and Survivors

Commissioner Manzie to report


Commissioner Manzie gave a verbal report on the interim solutions that had been put into place, the various groups that had received Council commissioned funding or other funding and the NSPCC telephone line.


There was now a formal governance structure with Commissioner Newsam being the designated lead. 


There would need to be some elements of potential joint commissioning or partner activity, a governance structure for which was being set up in Commissioning to pull together.  Initially it would be supported by Graeme Betts until Terri Roche took up position as Director of Public Health on 29th June.  


The first Improvement Board meeting would be held shortly but the invitees would be kept tight so as to make progress.  It would have a clear commissioning role in terms of projects to improve the position for survivors.  There would also be a broader group of people from groups/organisations that it was important to engage with. 


Information had been pushed out into the community as to what was happening with information on the website and newsletters but it was really important that thought was given to how everybody was reached who needed to be.


There was need to ensure that the Strategies were in place as soon as possible and that the Board did not delay things happening. 


David McWilliams reported that it was the intention to award the Post-Abuse Support contract on 1st July, 2015 and was ready to go out to invitation to tender.  Public Health had conducted an excellence piece of work and there was a very strong evidence base.