Issue - meetings

Better Care Fund

Meeting: 25/11/2015 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 36)

36 Better Care Fund pdf icon PDF 35 KB

-        Chris Edwards, Rotherham CCG, and Jon Tomlinson, RMBC, to report

Additional documents:


Chris Edwards, Rotherham CCG, submitted the second quarterly Better Care Fund report which was due for submission to NHS England on or before 27th November, 2015.


Following the submission of the first quarter information, NHS England had completed a regional feedback on BCF performance.  This showed that Rotherham was not an outlier in any areas of the BCF and, in line with just under half the localities, were still working towards two of the national conditions i.e. implementing seven day working and using the NHS identifier.


The quarterly return showed that Rotherham’s plans to meet the two outstanding national conditions were on track and that performance on most metrics (where data was available) were on target.  However, performance on preventing non-elective emergency admissions (target of 7,382) had not been to plan and there had been an increase (7,503) rather than the planned decrease.  As a result no performance related pay had been awarded. However, it was a reduction on the previous quarter’s performance (7,745).


Resolved:-  (1)  That the second quarter report be approved for submission to NHS England in accordance with the 27th November, 2015, deadline.


(2)  That the regional feedback from NHS England on quarter one be noted.