Issue - meetings

Rotherham Transport Strategy (Myers/Manzie)

Meeting: 02/03/2016 - Council Meeting (Item 142)



To receive and consider reports, minutes and recommendations of the Cabinet/Commissioners’ Decision Making Meetings held on 15th and 23rd February, 2016.


15th February, 2016:-


See Minute No. 17 – Rotherham Transport Strategy (see Item 13 on this agenda)


See Minute No. 18 – Rotherham’s Housing Strategy 2016-19 (see Item 14 on this agenda)


23rd February, 2016:-


See Minute No. 29 – Revenue Budget Setting Report 2016/17 (see Item 9 on this agenda)


See Minute No. 30 – Capital Programme Budget Setting Report – 2016/17 to 2020/21 (see Item 11 on this agenda)


See Minute No. 31 – Prudential Indicators and Treasury Management and Investment Strategy 2016/17 – 2018/19 (see Item 12 on this agenda)


To confirm the minutes as a true record.

Additional documents:


Resolved:-  That the reports, recommendations and minutes of the meetings of the Cabinet/Commissioners’ Decision Making held on 15th and 23rd February, 2016, be adopted, with the inclusion of Councillor Steele, Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board in the attendance.


Mover:-  Councillor Read                       Seconder:-  Councillor Watson

Meeting: 15/02/2016 - Cabinet and Commissioners' Decision Making Meeting (during Government Intervention - 18 January 2016 to 23 September 2018) (Item 17)

17 Rotherham Transport Strategy pdf icon PDF 70 KB


To endorse the Strategy and recommended to Council approval and adoption and note the internal consultation and comments.


Report of the Interim Strategic Director, Environment and Development Services

Advisory Cabinet Member – Councillor Lelliott

Additional documents:


Recommended:-  (1)  That the Rotherham Transport Strategy 2016-2026 be adopted by Council on 2nd March, 2016.


(2)  That internal consultation completed prior to public and stakeholder consultation and the comments from both incorporated where appropriate be noted.


Consideration was given to a report presented by Councillor Lelliott, Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy, providing details of the Rotherham Transport Strategy (2016-2026) and the policy framework which set out the strategic approach and the vision and management of transport in Rotherham.


The Strategy addressed fundamental challenges in Rotherham to support economic recovery in the borough and the impact on safety, health and climate change.


The Strategy also explained how the Council would build on its strong transport policy direction set out internationally, nationally and locally in the Sheffield City Region.  It featured proposals to continue to improve the safety and condition of the road network in Rotherham and to support sustainable and affordable transport modes and ensure that fairness, safety and sustainability would be embedded in the transport projects delivered. 


Transport projects would work to deliver the aims of the Rotherham Growth Plan and those of the Sheffield City Region.  The Strategy sets out a series of challenges, objectives, themes and actions that would contribute to the overall vision that by 2026 Rotherham would enjoy sustainable growth and sustainable travel choices.


As a result of public and stakeholder consultation changes were made to the Strategy, but these did not alter the fundamental objectives.


There was some uncertainty within the Strategy as it was reliant on future funding and the Sheffield City Region devolution deal.  


Caroline Bruce, Interim Strategic Director of Environment and Development Services, confirmed the Strategy had been subject to full consultation and reviewed by the Improving Places Select Commission.


Councillor Read, Leader of the Council, echoed the comments around the devolution deal and the new source of funding potentially to make decisions around transport strategic infrastructure more locally and more responsive, which was good news for Rotherham.


Recommended:-  (1)  That the Rotherham Transport Strategy 2016-2026 be adopted by Council on 2nd March, 2016.


(2)  That internal consultation completed prior to public and stakeholder consultation and the comments from both incorporated where appropriate be noted.