Issue - meetings

CCG Commissioning Plan - Chris Edwards

Meeting: 24/02/2016 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 60)

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Ian Atkinson, Rotherham CCG, to report


Ian Atkinson, Deputy Chief Officer of the Rotherham CCG, gave a presentation on the annual review of the CCG’s four-year Commissioning Plan.  The starting point of the review was to consider the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.


Key themes identified for further/specific discussion relating to the 2016/2017 Commissioning Plan were: -


·           Approach to Joint Commissioning with RMBC, including the Better Care Fund;

·           Commissioning of Children’s Services;

·           Response to Child Sexual Exploitation;

·           Hospital and Community Services;

·           Mental Health Services (including Learning Disability);

·           Primary Care. 


Ian’s presentation included: -


·           The key changes;

·           The flow of the commissioning plan;

·           Delivering the fifteen strategic priorities: -

o    Why is this a strategic priority?;

o    Five-year strategic direction;

o    Progress made in 2015/2016;

o    How will we achieve our intentions;

o    Quality improvements;

o    Innovation;

o    Alignment with the strategic aims of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy;

o    Addressing health inequalities;

o    Previous patient engagement leading to the plan/what patient engagement is planned in the area?.

·           The end product: -

o    Succinct executive summary;

o    50 page strategic plan (part 1);

o    50-60 page detailed plan (part 2);

o    Easy to read public facing version.

·           Drafting and approval would take place between February and March;

·           Final version will be submitted to NHS England by 11th April. 


Discussion followed Ian’s presentation and the following questions and feedback were provided: -


·           The 2016/2017 document should reflect the return of certain powers to Rotherham Council;

·           The Health and Wellbeing Board did not current receive the SRG reports, although they were publically available;

·           The role of social enterprise, development, engaging providers and public services users should be reflected;

·           Making Every Contact Count;

·           Safeguarding Adults;

·           Learning disabilities and their thresholds;

·           More explicit reference to Looked after Children would be beneficial.


Resolved: -  (1)  That the draft plan and feedback provided be noted. 


(2)  That, following appropriate governance, the plan be submitted to NHS England in April, 2016.